Tuesday, March 30, 2010

physical therapy

About 2 weeks ago, I started down the physical therapy road. Based upon the recommendation from Emily, I chose to go Sport and Spine Rehab in McLean.

In my first visit, I met with Dr. Tersigni (a chiropractor) and he diagnosed me with chondro malacia patella – an irritation of the cartilage of the knee cap.  I also had some x-rays taken (I wish I had them – digital x-rays are so cool!) and they basically show that the lower parts of my knee caps have much less cushion then the upper parts.

Dr. T specializes in the Graston Technique which I like to equate to medieval torture.  The technique Graston_Technique_Instrumentsinvolves rubbing (I know terribly technical term) potential scar tissue and/or adhesions that are preventing the fluid motion of muscles and joints.  So Dr. T has used the bottom 2 tools all around my knees.  It’s really not so bad – I would never say that it feels good but it doesn’t really hurt either.  It just really feels weird and my skin gets very red.  I’ve even had it produce some bruising after the fact.

There’s also the electrical stimulation to reduce inflammation.  It also feels weird but mostly feels fine.  Some times it feels like the leads are working their way off my knees.

And, of course, the exercises.  I haven’t done too much having only been about 3 times.  Just some stretches – hamstring, quads, calves, and IT band.  Calf raises. Lots of standing on one foot.  Front-and-back and left-and-right on a one-directional wobble board.  Monster walks.

I’ll be going for about 12 weeks.  I’m hoping to get stronger so that I can get back to running regularly so that I don’t get fat.  Dr. T said that the “crunching and grinding” will never get better but we can prevent it from getting worse.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, the ever joyous Graston technique. Sorry I didn't warn you about it beforehand... I had that and he would dig in under my knee, and then spend a chunk of time digging into my hamstring with those torture devices. I bruised too, but only the first few times. And the electrodes are such a weird, tingly/tickle feeling... but it all seemed to work for me, now if only I kept it up to start running again...
