Monday, February 22, 2010

what i did over my snow-cation

We had a great plan in place to balance doing productive things and fun stuff. We actually made two lists - productive activities so that we wouldn't forget the various things that we hoped to accomplish and the fun stuff just so that we knew what all the possibilities were so that we didn't just sit around on the couch like when it snowed in December.

That lasted about 2 days, 3 days max. After that, it was straight up laziness.

But what did we do:

  • I organized photos. I got through 1992 and most of 1993 is done.
  • Will organized the recipes to a point. He got them all sorted into basic broad categories. Now I just have to decide if that's good enough or if I want to go further. They should probably at least make it back into their binders before the chair they currently occupy eats them.
  • I cooked. A LOT. I tried a few new recipes and at least one old stand by.
  • We finally both played Beatles Rock Band. The singing is really easy because I know all the songs for the most part. Will's pretty good at most of the parts but I'm really bad at bass, pretty bad at drums and I didn't even try guitar.
  • We got almost all the way through 2 levels of Super Mario Galaxy that I got for my birthday. It's basically single player but a second player can help you out which makes it the perfect game for me. I suck at video games.
  • We shoveled a ton - except for Saturday and Wednesday. We probably shoveled about 2 hours a day at the very least.
  • We wrote blog posts.
  • I wrote thank you notes and cards.
  • Will re-alphabetized all our DVDs and resorted most of his CDs.
  • We spent a lot of time on Facebook. I don't know what we would have done without it or if the power or internet had gone out. Some days that was how we found out that we didn't have to work the next day.
  • On Tuesday, we trekked out to the grocery store to restock before it began again.
  • I conducted a Heritage vs "regular" Dr. Pepper taste test for Will. He has no problems telling the difference between the two.

  • After awhile we just watched a lot of movies - we took turns who got to pick (the movies are listed in the order in which I remembered them and the color code should be obvious):
    It was during all the movies that I was able to finish my cross stitch project.

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